Battle for the Back Row (episode 8) tequila review

Lippy gets DEEP into some sticky-sweet emotional territory in this “Tequila FIGHT”!

While the tequila reviews are interesting and scholarly as always(?) it’s the MUSICAL soundtrack to this episode that will twist your knickers!  Turns out The BEATLES showed up in all of their remastered MONO glory — and they decide to hang out for the entire show.  Add to this, the  sweet nostalgia of Lippy’s cousin, Les, chatting in from their hometown in Penna., and you have a fully emotionally satisfying conclusion.  Is that a tear of joy in his eye, or is it the TEQUILA talking?

Herradura reposado vs. Antiguo reposado (episode 7) tequila review

In this emotionally angst-riddled episode, th’ Lip is doing some ‘internal work‘ in public as he grapples with the prospect of:  A. — Continuing to pay for his tasting bottles with his OWN MONEY, or  B. — Accepting promotional bottles from the distillers directly.

Gee, wonder what he decides to do??

5-Way BLIND Tasting (episode 6) tequila review

Lippy puts his (ample) ass and reputation on the line in this special 5-way BLIND Tasting event! Can th’ Lip pick out not only the AGES of the 5 tequilas, but also their BRANDS?

Check out the HUGE pours his lovely “assistant” has provided and you know why the 2nd half of this show gets LOUD, LOOSE and LETHAL! Can he even stay atop that stool? Watch and be AMAZED at the prowess.

*Addendum* –

On this show I came down MIGHTILY heavy on Corralejo repo. I commented that it tasted “chemically — like strange chemical soapy dishwater”. And I HATED it more with each sip!

Well I recently attended a wedding and tried a current bottle of Corralejo repo and it was NOT anywhere near related to the junk I had on the show! It was a solid repo if somewhat BORING. I’ll be re-tasting Corralejo in the future — but for now, let me state that I must have gotten a “bad” bottle.

My sincere apologies, Corralejo.




Tequila Tasting Techniques 101 (episode 5) tequila review

What a RARE treat! Lippy is joined by David Yan, International Tequila Ambassador for Casa Noble Tequila! Yan expertly guides Lippy through the 5 basic tasting techniques and shows how to prepare the mouth as a total sensory organ for a fuller appreciation of tequila!
You can learn along with th’ Lip!





El Tesoro blanco, reposado, anejo {WHITE LABEL Treasure bottles} (episode 4) tequila review

In this E P I C “Tequila Whisperer” episode, Lippy and special “genius guest” Gabe, take on the entire lineup of El Tesoro’s “out-of-print” WHITE LABEL bottles and report on the rundown. Which classic ET age will climb to the TOP of the tasting heap? Will Gabe fall for Lippy’s gambit of slipping in a SECRET taste of Casta Weber Azul? Will the live-viewers give away the SECRET? It’s all here in the BIGGEST (longest!) “Tequila Whisperer” episode yet. Salud!
